Projects estimated at $1000.00 or more
- Print a Permit Application form, or call Town Clerk and request one.
- Fill out the Road Access form. (if road access is needed, call a Town Board member for a time to check the site.
- Fill out the Permit Application form completely. If you are switching trailer homes, addin on to an existing house, building a new home or located near the floodplain the county zoning administrator will have to inspect your project before a permit can be issued.
- Send or take all completed forms to Town of Coon Zoning Administrator for his approval and signature.
- Return the signed application form and other documents including a site plan to the Town of Coon Clerk along with a $100.00 check made out to the Town of Coon Treasurer
- The Clerk will then issue the permit.
County Zoning Administrator-Susan Burkhamer (608)637-5720
Town of Coon Zoning Administrator-Gary Stendalen (608)634-4114
Town of Coon Clerk-Sara Rudie (608)452-3966
Town Chairperson-Orlan Bakkum (608)542-3370